rE-ELECT Councillor mUTTON

Ian is a lawyer with a single minded passion to make North Sydney a better place to live, work and play. He is a leading light behind the planned Waverton to Lavender Bay High Line walking trail and established and help to lead the community action group to protect Luna Park as a traditional theme park.

On council Ian is determined to address the development of a more strategic approach to the management of the city especially in the areas of planning, traffic and community open spaces. Specific issues he wants addressed are the completion of Harry’s Park extension and making permanent Wendy’s Secret Garden. As well he will drive for the proper redevelopment of the North Sydney pool to include consideration for a multi-purpose indoor recreation and sport facility.

Professionally, Ian writes, presents and helps implement anti-trust and consumer law compliance programs focused on teaching the law and motivating compliance.

Ian Mutton is standing for election in the North Sydney Council elections being held on the 4.12.2021